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  1. #1
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    Wrist/Forearm pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I've got a pain in my left wrist. The precise location is the Extensor pollicis brevis and Extensor retinaculum, or, perhaps more accurately below these muscles. I think the problem is a tendon problem as opposed to muscular because of the nature of the pain.

    I practise yoga regularly and I'm fairly certain that the problem developed because of my practise of the yoga bridge position where I would lie on my back, place my hands below the buttocks and push up. This would bend both wrists outwards. The pain probably developed because my left wrist is weaker than the right, when there was equal presssure on both wrists.

    I'm applying the following exercises:

    1) holding a small weight and rotating the wrist - 10 times and then rest.
    2) exercising with handgrippers.

    I can't think of any other exercises.

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    Re: Wrist/Forearm pain

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    You need to think about why the pressure is so much on your wrist in this position. The investigate all your body parts while holding. Feel you thoracic extensors working, make sure your should muscles and hip extensors are working etc. Self-examination in the posture is likely to lead you to a reason why the wrists are taking perhaps too much load. This would be a better treatment plan that doing wrist exercises. Good luck

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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