well friends
you everbody has elbow injury but somehow in different aspect; yeah post surgical stiffness is common so i'll first advice every1 exercise plan will be diffrent.for myositis, for ulnar f#,for ROM of 113..,etc etc.....
simply one should know elbow joint is very fragile joint so it takes time for recovery and should know never go for hurry on it mean doing stretching of joint and trying to pull the ROM never do that EVEN MASSAGE,PLEASE MY LAYMAN FRIEND AFTER ANY INJURY OR ANY REHAB MASSAGE IS NOT GOOD BUT WORSEN THE CASE,USE ICE IMMEDIATLY AFTER INJURY
well i have mentioned in bold so please this note for everyone, now i'll speak something about regime of post surgical stiffness pronation and supintion is the very difficult components to get but flexion and extension can regain by simply doing active movement for instance take wooden log of 1-1.5 lbs and do bending of your elbow along with it go for overhead shoulder movement thats for bending and for extension keep your arm in overhead position keep your elbow bend then tell you physio to assist you for extension but don't let his/her help you you ur self use you muscle power to lift ur extrimity, its necessary to use your own muscle power for elbow stiffness rehab.
gud luck