Brief Medical History Overview
delayed physio, have I caused permanent damage?

I'm 23 years old and I broke my femur on Dec 28, 2007. They put an IM nail into the thigh bone. I had 2 follow-ups since then, and my surgeon said I was healing fine. My last follow up was 4 weeks ago, they told me that I should begin full weight bearing and that I should walk without the crutches on occasion. They also gave me a list of exercises to do. Since then I occasionally do the recommended exercises and have been walking/limping around the house without crutches.
My concern is this, I never thought that I would NEED physiotherapy. Not because I don't believe in its affect, but purely because of my ignorance. Now I've been reading some articles and forums online stating that physio is very important even for a femur fracture. So I do want to start physiotherapy because of this newfound knowledge. I just wanted to know, is it possible that I may have permanently damaged my thigh muscles or knee joint by not going to physio earlier?
I'm worried that I might have to walk with a limp for the rest of my life because of not going to physio as soon as I should have. I can nearly do a full bend but it is accompanied by soreness and pain in the knee and thigh when I attempt it. I really hope that my ignorance hasn't cost me the full usage of my leg. Please, any input would help. thank you.
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