Brief Medical History Overview
Back Pain
I had a Epidural steroid injections 5weeks ago, due to disc problems, had the injection's and still had bad back pain, i was told it could take a few weeks to feel better, 2weeks after the injections i found i had a pain in the middle of my back, if i pick anything up it feels like my back is breaking, like squashing down wards( sorry but cant describe it any different
),) i work in a hospital as a ward clerk, i am very careful on picking notes up but even one set feels like my back is breaking, last week the pain in my middle back got so bad that i couldn't breathe, pains were shooting all over, i lost the feeling in my right arm and left leg and could not move my neck, so i saw my doctor who said i had a spine inflammation caused by the injections,he has given me a slow release inflammatory tablet, but they have insisted i cant see a physio or chiropractor. any ideas why. i was told by fiends that they have got instant relief going to see a chiropractor, i feel like just going to one 
thanks for reading this i would just like some relief
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