Brief Medical History Overview
shoulder injury
Hi there,
I have a two year old shoulder injury which only until recently has been feeling a bit better. It has been suspected that I tore the labrum but no diagnostics seems to be able to confirm it. Recently I had a cortisone injection because they suspected bicep tendonitis but this didn't show up on the ultrasound but despite this, my shoulder has improved a great deal.
Right now I am doing rehab exercises in the gym because after giving up on the theraband. I have been given theraband exercises for almost two years and they have not worked very well so I've progressed to weights.
So I have two questions. What sort of exercises should I be doing to help stabilise my shoulder? I have been mainly working on scapula stabilising exercises and exercises which work the posterior deltoid to help prevent my shoulders from rolling forward.
The other question I have is a bit of probably more complicated. I have noticed is that if my shoulder is sore (particulary at the front) if I go to the gym to do some light weights or I do some for of exercise the next day, it actually feels better. Can anyone shed some light on this? I know I need to be extra careful because it is still tender but it seems to really help. Could it be as a result of doing weights it increases the blood flow to sore muscles and helps it recover?
Any insight is welcome!!
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