Has anyone sat the Dubai DHA computer assessment. Any one got any idea what sort of information we need to study for it? Is it easy or hard? How long does it take etc?
Kind regards
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Has anyone sat the Dubai DHA computer assessment. Any one got any idea what sort of information we need to study for it? Is it easy or hard? How long does it take etc?
Kind regards
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Hello Dr. I also wanted to ask about the good standing certificate?can we get it through dha directly? And may i also know how many mcqs they ask in the exam? I am very sorry but the website is quite confusing and is not updated as well. They do not give the exam format as such.sorry to bother you please reply.
Could you please send me the questions that came up in the test.
Also could you give me the current active link to apply for this exam. I am not able to find an appropriate website.
Hi.. can someone give me all the details about How we should apply for Physiotherapy License Exam for Dubai. I have recently completed my studies, 5 year DPT program. Now is it very necessary to have 1 year experience before taking a license exam? Or I can apply right now without any working experience. I have done electives & was posted in different wards during my last 3 year of university. Does this count?
I have done my bachelor of physiotherapy from India and i also have a year of experience after my bachelors, now i am planning to do my M.Sc. Physiotherapy from UK which is a 1 year course, I want to work in Dubai as my family is shifting there, can any one suggest me will i be able to apply for DHA exam or i might require 2 years of experience to apply for DHA after my M.Sc?? Your reply will be of great help
Thank you
Best Regards.
Hi im parameswari,
im planning to write DHA exam can anyone help me which books to follow and where can i get sample question papers.
Hi friends
please reply me to this mail ID parameswari.mpt@gmail.com
I want to write DHA exam please give me the information about which books to follow and the process of the exam.
Thanks in advance
Hello, Myself Priyanka....I have few queries about credentialing process...what all documents are required?? Transcripts are important for credentialing???Can any one guide for the same.....my mail id is priyanka16parate@gmail.com. Thank you.
Is the Dubai DHA exam are both written and oral for Physiotherapist?
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Hi i m a physiotherapist and preparing for DHA prometric exam first attempt is failed please help me how to pass and from where i can study please need assisstance it ll be great help
My email id :shafia_naeem@yahoo.com
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From where i can find ntpe sulivan book??please guide
I am going to appear for DHA exam next month i don't have any idea about what to study..can u please help me with the questions and study materials.. my mail id is farheennikhat@gmail.com
U can share study materials in this id.. It would be a great help.
Thank you...
Hi I am ali here I have done graduation, DPT .
Now I am looking for to prepare DHA licensing exam plz guide me if anyone have any idea , clue regarding that matter I'll be very grateful to you people
My email id is. ( aameer317@gamil.com)
Hi! I’m Archana, I have an experience of 6years as Physiotherapist in India. Now I would like to apply for DHA license exam. Would like to know the procedure. Kindly help me with it. My email ID is archana.nandagopal@gmail.com
Hi I am physiotherapist. I am planning DHA exam soon but don’t have any idea about that . It would be really help full if anyone can share study materials.