Ethics commitee just replied turned down my thesis saying I need to obtain permission to use one how do I go about this?
Ethics commitee just replied turned down my thesis saying I need to obtain permission to use one how do I go about this?
You shouldn't need to gain ethics to use the Par-Q. This is a measurement tool that is available on the public domain (ie free and no restrictions on its use). As long as you have referenced it and justified its use based on its utility and psychometrics I can't see the problem. I would appeal their decision.
The The PAR-Q was developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Health and the Multidisciplinary Board on Exercise (MABE) so you can be really sure about this if you contact them and ask.
Just correcting what I said:
You shouldn't need to gain ethics to use the Par-Q.
I meant you shouldn't need to permission to use the Par-Q because it is in the public domain