Hi would anyone be able to give me their view on a decision i am trying to make on studying internationally - a choice between masters in manual therapy uwa or a masters in manips at curtin uni??!!
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Hi would anyone be able to give me their view on a decision i am trying to make on studying internationally - a choice between masters in manual therapy uwa or a masters in manips at curtin uni??!!
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Hi lois,
I just finished the UWA course.
There are many reasons why i chose the UWA course.
Firstly, out of ALL the Australian universities offering Manual Therapy (Manips/musculoskeletal), the UWA course has the highest proportion of local australian physiotherapists.
Second, the course is full and they have the luxury of choosing their students at UWA. This is due to the increasing international reputation.
Third, the cost is approximately the same in terms of university but the living expenses are much more to do a whole year at Curtin that one semester at UWA.
Fourth, I didn't want to do a research stubject - UWA doesn't have a research subject.
Fifth, you do Manual Therapy EVERY day for half of the day. It is apparently the most number of hours on practical skills of any course in Australia.
Lastly but MOST importantly, the course is of the highest standards. We had a physio on our course that did another general masters at Sydney who said she had to work so much harder at UWA just to get the same marks she got at Sydney.
I would heartily endorse the UWA course. I am a proud graduate of the course and don't just pay it lip service.
What are you basing your decisions on? What are you leaning towards?
Hey, I have just finished the Curtin University course and I am sure I can come up with equally as many pros to why Curtin over UWA but I will try and be objective instead...
The course of 1 year full time format is the least amount of time you should be spending on a masters, any less means less time to consolidate learning..
About the research, it is done in groups and it is not just done ofr the sake of reserach, learning about methods, statistics, publication, public presentation, teaching skills etc are involved.
Master of Manips does not only involve manips, great modules in anatomy, pathology & diagnosis, covering real life disections, lectures, labs and seminars.
I sicerely think that Curtin has the best bunch of teachers out of any university, Peter O'Sullivan, Steve Edmondston, Max Zusman, Toby Hall, Bob Elvey, Kim Robinson, Helen Slater just to name few, these guys are at the forfront of MT in the world.
I will be happy to advise to further...please email me..
All true my friend. It really does depend on what you are after.
When i first started investigating, i really wanted to do the one year at Curtin or UQ. But this would mean moving my whole family - very expensive. Also, my business wouldn't be able to withstand such a long period without me unless i sold the practice. As it is, i am still recovering from taking 14 weeks off.
Also the rental situation in Perth is pretty abominable at the moment.
We had our own anatomy dissection project to complete. We got taught by Kim RObinson, Toby Hall, and many other renowned lecturers. Peter Fazey ran a practice with Bob Elvey. Steve Edmondston set up the UWA course. Kevin Singer is ex-Curtin.
If you base it on quality alone, then the three unis i would go to are UWA, UQ and Curtin. No questions asked.
THe attraction of UWA was the significantly decreased cost of living expenses and loss of income.
Bottom line, i highly respect the graduates of Curtin and meant no disrespect to them. UWA met my needs of quality and economy.
just thought I'd add another viewpoint to the discussion. Both viewpoints offered so far are valid and reflect the reason Perth is renowned for its physio education (Hi Svein how's the search for a private practice? Watcha alo, looking forward to following your advice, cheers mate).
I'm off to Perth myself in 6 weeks for my residency component at UWA, having just spent the last year completing my theory modules, all 3 of which have given me a much better appreciation and new viewpoints on my clinical practice. I think you need to consider what your resources are and more importantly your objectives. I, like alo wanted to improve my clinical patient skills and at the current time place research as a lower priority. This does not mean I don't value research, as my laptop is bursting with studies for the theory modules, just I don't wish to personally conduct any currently. If you have a burning desire to perform research then the UWA manual therapy course is probably not your best option. To be honest though, if research is your aim, then you may be better served by a MPhil, with option to convert to PhD.
The UWA course allows a condensed period overseas and has allowed me to continue in full-time employment with the NHS. I'm not going to say it's easy going, as I have felt like I'm eating, sleeping and breathing physio at times, but then no masters course is easy.
Several colleagues are pursuing masters degrees here in the UK, assisted by local NHS confederation. This was also an option for myself, taking 3-5 years to complete, but to be honest so far I'm more than happy with my chosen route. If you want to stay in Oz and Perth specifically, then possibly the extended period in Perth with the Curtin course may allow you more time to network and make good contacts.
Both Curtin and UWA courses qualify graduates for the MPA, the Oz version of the MACP, so personally I feel they are both quality courses.
Finally, I've been in touch with several graduates of the UWA, prior to enrolling and all couldn't praise the course enough. All stated it is hard work but their practical skills, theoretical knowledge and clinical reasoning blossomed. Everyone i contacted said they would repeat the experience with no reservations.
If you want any more info, please feel free to send me a personal message and I'll do my best to answer any questions as fully as possible. Hope this has helped.
All the best
thank you for this helpful post Alophysio and Sveinekr.![]()
Hi, I know this is an old thread but I am currently asking myself a similar question - should I apply to Curtin for the Masters in Manip Therapy course as an international student? If anyone has any thoughts or feedback the current course structure and lecturers &/or their experiences of the course, I'd be grateful. Thanks