New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi everyone,
I have just gained registration in New Zealand last week. The whole process from sending off my application to getting approval took 8 weeks. The new forms make it a lot easier for both the applying physiotherapist and the Registration official in New Zealand. The guidelines are very helpful as well. I am planning on going to New Zealand in June of this year. If anyone has any questions about the registration process or any queries please dont hesitate to ask and i will respond to you!! It is easier than people think if you dont get too bogged down and if you use the templates accordingly.
All the best
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
did you just list the peices of evidence in the template in bullet point form or write it out eg "appendix 1 reflection shows i am able to.... "and be specific to each sub part.
hope that makes sense, thanks in advance!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi all
This doesn't refer to registration, however for those seeking work in NZ currently it is worth noting that jobs are quite scarce. With the recent changes in our compensation system private practices are cutting back on available jobs. Hospitals are also tighter with jobs as many there has been some cutting of the District Hospital Board budgets. In addition staff with 2+ years experience are staying in their jobs longer as they are delaying going to the UK for their overseas experience.
So if you are getting or got registration and want to work here, you may want think about landing a job before leaving for NZ.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks gcoe. Well said.
May I also remind people that the Irish and Scottish Physio degrees are nearly identical to the NZ ones, so they can really get in on their undergraduate education and their syllabus is the evidence.
Congratulations, Kevin!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi lisa
in the first section of the template (undergraduate evidence) i just listed the modules i had done that were relevant to the competencies in bullet point form, i also had additional pieces of evidence such as student inservices or essays/projects from college. I didnt expand on them as such, i just listed them and referenced them , so i guess it was up to the Physio board to look at them and see if they were relevant to the competency or not.
In the middle section (Work experience), i listed particular things i had done at work...eg attending MDT meetings, showing cultural sensitivity, doing statistics, using outcome measure, seeing particular injuries and using particular techniques to prove my competeny. Some bits i would only write a line or two, other bits i would write a small paragraphy, maybe 4 or 5 lines is enough.
Again in the final section (Evidence of CPD, etc), i just listed the courses, CPD, etc that were relevant to the particular competency, referenced them and then maybe wrote like one line about each, but not very much at all. Remember that you dont need to show evidence for EVERY component of the competeny, just some of them. And youre only allowed provide 3-5 pieces of evidence...so you wont be able to prove that your competent in each component so dont worry!!!!! (sorry a lot of jargon there).
Best of luck with the form, and any other questions ill be glad to reply to!!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Kevin,
I'm just starting out with the registration process and have some of the evidence, and read the guidelines but am still a little confused as to the lay out. Did you write an essay style answer to each competency and then reference your evidence within the essay or did you bullet point in relation to each component of the competency? Would be very grateful for any advice as not sure where to start with the templates.
Many thanks,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Katie
I didnt write an essay style answer for each competency.
In the first section of the template i listed the modules i did in university that were relevant to the competency you are doing. (A lot of these modules will be used for all the other competencies as well, so dont worr yif you feel like you are repeating yourself). I also referenced by student clinical placements assessment forms ( i didnt expand on them but you can say something like....Clinical Placement St., Josephs hospital demonstrated my CVP skills as it was done in an ICU setting...or something like that).
In this section you would also reference essays, college projects u did in Uni - you dont need to write about them...just reference them and then the NZ reg official will look them up.
Section two is pretty much the same...except you give examples from your working experience.. Eg. i used a MWM to treat an ankle sprain..this demonstrated proficiency in manual therapy...etc. And you reference this by saying refer to Validation of Work History written by Joe Bloggs (Physio).
Section 3 then you just list off your CPD, courses, inservices and conferences that are relevant to the competency. Maybe write a sentence just to expand on how it was relevant and remember to reference it and provide a fully certified copy of the certificate you received.
Remember you can only provide 3 - 5 pieces of evidence so you are NOT expected to demonstrate proficiency in each and every component of the competency...this would be really hard. The components are only given as a guideline as to how to fulfil the competency, it doesnt mean you have to prove them all!!!!!
I hope this helps and best of luck!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hey Kevin!
Well done on your registration!
Thanks for all your tips, they are really helpful!
Just had a wee query:
I've been trying to figure out about how much supporting evidence we have to provide: did you get confirmation from anyone/anywhere about not having to provide supporting evid for all of the components for each template for each competency?
Iv checked the guidance notes and board's website about this but cant see anything that confirms if we have to do this.
Im just confused about whether or not to address all of the components for each template?
looking forward to hearing from you
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi MaryAnne
Yeah i had the same queries as yourself when i was filling it out, whether i had to provide evidence for each component or not (which would take ages!!)
So i ran the Physio Board in NZ (cant remember their number but its on the website) and i spoke to someone on the registration board there. They comfimed, to my great relief, that you only need to provide 3-5 pieces of evidence to show your competence in each competency. She specifically said that you dont need to show evidence for each component! The components are just given to you by the NZ physio board as examples of how you can show proficiency in the competency as a whole.
Hope this helps. If youre still unsure, just ring them. They are very nice and will explain the process for you. Just have your questions ready at hand for them
Best of luck
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks for the info Kevin.
And thanks for the assistance
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Dear Kevin,
You are a star!! Well done on completing it!!
Just a quick question....If we have paperwork such as physio assessment sheets/goal setting sheets , do we have to get them signed by the senior physio/physio who also uses them to verify it or is it just enough to reference them e.g I have used this assessment form for blah blah blah.... Hope that makes sense???
Thanks matey,
Claire x:)
Additional Comment I forgot:
Oh and did you send in your dissertation as evidence???? Thanks again x
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Oh and IST sessions...obviuosly i have moved on from alot of the hospitals I had them at and now live in Oz so not sure how I would get them all verified!!??
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Claire
Are you talking about patient assessment forms or assessment forms you were assessed on as a student?? If u mean patient assessment forms then you dont need to get them signed...but i dont think you would need to send them in either (i didnt send any, there were too many)!!!
If youre talking about student assessment forms then yes definately you need them signed!!
I sent in my dissertation alright, but you have to get each page stamped by your university and the front page dated and signed by a memeber of staff (very important to do this or they will send it back!)
dont send any inservices unless there are signed and dated by a senior physio who was in attendance at the inservice!! They will only send them back to you and delay the registration process further. If its too much trouble/hassle to get them signed and dated then dont send them in, use something else as evidence, eg. course certificates, etc.
Hope this helps
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
AWesome thank-you!!
Might be a little difficult to get my two IST signed as I am now living in Oz!!! THanks so much for replying, I will see what I can do about my dissertation, it is still in the UK with my mum and I will see if she can go in for me to Uni and get it signed!!
I qualified in 2000, so that is over 10 years ago and I don't have any of my student assessment forms anymore and the Uni does not keep them, so I am just doing lots of reflective practice and using PDP from my junior and senior positions.
I think I will call the board as I am wondering if I git a lawyer to sign the IST/dissertation, they might accept it is as a TRUE copy???????? Heres hoping!!!
Oh and one more question, do you have any advice about the treaty of waitangi reflective practice?
Hope you have a fantastic time in NZ it truly is a beautiful country!!
Thanks again,
Claire xx
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Claire
Just in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi, you just have to write a reflective statement about the treaty. Its very east, u just fill out the template they have for it, its about a page long! You just summarise what you think the treaty means, its very easy!
As with the other questions about the lawyer certifying the documents, u should just ring the physio board in wellington, their number is on the NZ Physio website, they are very helpful and will answer all your questions!!
The very best of luck!!!
PS: what part of Oz are you in?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Thanks so much for that!! Will do!!
I am living in Sydney, NSW,
Take Care and thank-you x
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Kevin,
Congrats on getting your registration!! It must feel great to have that all sorted out and ready for a new adventure!! I have to say a big thank you for replying in soo much detail about some tips on the process.
Im still not entirely sure about the supporting evidence though and getting things signed and dated. For some of my evidence i was thinking of using is from my university placements such as the placements forms, observed assessments with patients, reflection cycles etc....as this was a couple of years ago now i dont think i can get them signed and some would be photocopies too. What did you do for your evidence? did you get all of your pieces signed and dated? Does the date need to be relevant to the time of when it was done or could it be now? Im just worried about spending lots of time on it and then have it sent back for somthing like a date or signature....any thoughts would be appreciated mate.
Thanks, James.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Dear James,
I had the same question, I rang the board last week and basically said I don't have anything from Uni, nor could I get my IST signed etc as I now live in Oz and they were done in the UK and about 7 years ago. Basically they said that was why they had brought in teh self-declaration form (pieces of evidence) form so we basically have to declare all the work we have personally done (it is int the application form bit think). That way they are basically trusting that you are telling the truth about the work you are supplying as being your own....Does that help?:), made life alot easier for me,
Take care, Claire
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Claire,
That does seem to make sense yes. I take it all the statements and evidence you put together they will accept once that part of the form is signed...? Thankyou for letting me know. There is just lots of information to remember and then you leave it for a week or two and need to read over it again! Good luck with things. Are you looking at jobs already? I hear rumours that the job situtation is not very good in nz at the moment...dont know if this is true at all.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi James
Yes the job market for physios in NZ has taken a real dive. Have a look at my post on this thread. - Post #3
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Ok now im a little confused. Reading over the guidance notes and what people have included in there applications im not sure how much evidence to include.
In the first section on each template ive listed modules from my course but ive also listed my transcript, placement form and a reflective statement also.
The second section ive referenced my CV, validation of work forms from my referees and an appraisal record from one of rotations
Then in the final section ive listed 5 pieces of evidence from various rotations relating to cardioresp.
Im a bit concerned as ive already included evidence in the first two sections of each template and then in the supporting evidence ive referenced 5 other pieces. In the first two sections on each template are we just supposed to list things we have done etc and not use pieces of evidence as they will be used in the third section as supporting evidence??? Kevin could you please shed any light on what your thoughts on this are...
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi James,
I'm in the same boat as you. Just in the middle of doing the NZ registration myself. I seem to have pieces of evidence in the first two sections as well as the final section. Not sure whether to leave it that way or put all the evidenc in the last past?
Are you writing much for each section? I seem to have 2 or 3 paragraphs of 4-5 lines in each section.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I decided to phone the NZ board lastnight and ask them what should be included. The answer they gave me was to pretty much just refer to the uni programme, modules, placements etc in the first section. Then refer to transcript, validation of work references and CV (essentially mandatory documents we need to include). Then in the third section is where the additional evidence should be. SO basically from that the majority of the evidence should be in the last section only. That doesnt seem to match up with what someone else has put into a previous thread on here but its what im going to go with otherwise im going to have lots more than 3-5 pieces of evidence for each competency.
I hope that makes sense and helps.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
I would say good luck to anyone who has or thinks they can get NZ registration approved in 8 weeks. It takes 4 weeks (Minimum) to get through the initial checking process to ensure you have included all the required documents. Then they will send the application to the Approved Physio assessors (this takes a week) and this process will take another 4 weeks.... IF everything is in order and you do not need to supply anymore evidence you are looking at a minimum of 9 - 10 weeks for the assessment stages. This does not account for the time it takes for letters to be sent to you telling you what the latest update is on your application...... In addition this does not mean that you can practice, you then have to purchase an annual practicing cerificate which will take atleast another week. Hence from sending your application you are looking at minimum of 12 weeks IF everything is in order!!!!!
Anyway I have just had my application approved and am happy to help people along the way. I am willing to send you copies of the completed templates I supplied and an example of some of the reflections on practice which I supplied to the board. Just reply to this thread or contact me at [email protected] make sure you put PHYSIO BOARD HELP or something in the subject so I dont delete your e-mail.
Also dont want to put anyone off but the job situation here is very poor at the moment due to ACC taking physio away from the treatments that they provide so would recommend that you have a ob offer before you come here!!
Thanks and good luck
i want a guidance
hi guys ,
i am a physiotherapist from india i have passed out this year as a BPT
i have applied in auckland university of technology for pgd in musculo or rehab
1)i wanted to know is it better to apply for registration before going there or i should apply after complition of my pgd which one is better????
2) what are the current situation regarding jobs?? will i get job as a physio after complition of my pgd??
plz can anybody guide me for this ??
i am waiting for reply
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
1)i wanted to know is it better to apply for registration before going there or i should apply after complition of my pgd which one is better????
There are lots of threads in this forum confirming that the Indian Physio degree is not equivalent to the NZ one and therefore not accepted. It is very difficult for Indian Physios to obtain registration. You might have a better chance with a PgD or even better a MSc.
2) what are the current situation regarding jobs?? will i get job as a physio after complition of my pgd??
The current situation is not good at all, especially in the bigger cities in musculoskeletal private practice. For a Physio with no work experience ... probably even worse. Unless you start hospital rotations, that might be easier, but I am not sure. But that's of course all given that you get a work permit.....
Still, nothing is impossible,
never give up,
good luck,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi there...
In reply to james it is correct that the physiotherapy qualification obtained in India is not recognised by the physiotherapy board of New Zealand.... I am not sure but I think you would need to complete further study at the university to be able to obtain registration in NZ!
The job situation here is very poor and is now very competitive due to changes in ACC coverage for physiotherapy. If you have no experience in Musculoskeletal physiotherapy it would be very unlikey to be able to get a job here and as Fyzzio said you would probably be better off getting a rotational job in a local hospital although the job situation there is also poor. just of note is that the employer is required by NZ law to show evidence that they have given equal if not bias the NZ residents in application for the jobs before giving it to anyone from overseas!
Sorry to be a domsayer but the situ here is very bad and I know of many clinics which are closing due to the lack of referrals they are receiving......
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
which one is better to opt for NZ or UK ???
as i dnt hv any work experience i am planning to study Msc. in Uk or PGd in Nz i hv filled application forms for both but dont know where to go???
does any body know job situation in Uk?? i mean comparing with NZ
heyy kempo you didnt replied to my mail which i hv sent u from my yahoo id
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
the situation over there is just as bad as in NZ, if not worse.
Since there is so many English, Irish and Scottish Physios that are coming to NZ. Although, if you follow this website closely, you will see that most of them start heading over to Australia, where the situation is much better.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi everyone,
Congrats kevin on getting the NZ resgistration.. Reading thro' everyone's replies and going thro' the NZ registration site , the whole process seems bit overwhelming to me as of now.. I am currently working in the US but looking at the NZ option as well. Its been almost 10yrs since I graduated from the PT schoool from India so wondering how to cross-reference my academic work, previous work-exp etc.in the "competencies" section? Do they really want to see whether one has done a research project as proof of "evidence based practice"?
Is anyone out there who's qualified from India and gained NZ registration? Its really sad that they want Indian physios to have either studies in NZ or have UK registration to be eligible to apply for NZ registration.. They don't consider US registration! I am having second thoughts about this whole process after reading about the Job market in NZ.. Is it really tough for someone with 8-9 yrs of work exp to get a job in Physio clinic in NZ?
Any inputs on the above subject are appreciated!
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi PN Cool
Yes things are pretty tough here for jobs. With 10 ears experience behind you would be in a better position than if you were a new grad. However there are few jobs available in either the public or private sectors. I would suggest you try to tee up a job before coming here. Based on that you may want to weigh up whether or not it is worth your while currently applying for registration in NZ.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi pncool,
you might have seen me writing about my previous colleague who has got an Indian degree and NZ registration. So let me just tell you what I heard from her:
Research: the research projects as done under the Indian degree are in no way comparative to the NZ ones, meaning that their standard is below the NZ one. Therefore they are generally not accepted. You need to send in your project, as every application is assessed per se and the project as you have done it, might actually be at the required standard. Who knows? However, as your degree has been completed a while ago, send in all the extra evidence of research or research related projects you have undertaken in the last 8 - 9 years as well. This might proove your point of meeting their criteria.
USA: In the states, our job is done by two different professions - the Physical Therapists and the Respiratory Technicians. I know from someone else, that she didn't get registration as her education and work experience did not meet the competencies for the Cardio-respiratory area and she had to complete some extra study. Therefore, I believe that generally work in the US is accepted for the Musculoskeletal and Neuro competencies.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Andrea,
Thanks for the input. I agree that in the US most physios work in the Musculoskeletal and Neurological PT areas and not so much in Cardio-respiratory.. But as a Physio in India we do work in that area as well both in Acute as well Cardio-resp rehabilitation. I have 5 yrs of work-exp in India post graduation, so I assume that can be added to show competency in the Cardio-respiratory.
I read in the FAQ's that a critical review of journal articles can also be added to show inclination towards evidence based research. Is that true? Just a thought, how many physios are really doing hard-core research while working in the clinical area? I am bit unclear on what exactly the NZ board is looking for in the "Research area" ?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
in regards to cardio: my friend told me that indeed you do work in the cardiopulmonary area in India, but that treatments are following pre-prescribed protocols and are not individually tailored. In ICU, it was the doctors making the decisions on Physio treatment, rather than the Physios basing their input on clinical analysis. But that might have changed or be different for your work environment.
in regards to your research question: I'm not 100% sure, but if it is the same for all the competencies then you have to submit evidence for 2 things:
1) that you had sufficient undergraduate training in the area
2) that you continue to meet the competency through work or professional development
So, for the second point it does not need to be actual work in the research sector, but could be doing a research project, an evidence-based presentation, a critical literature review, an audit, etc.. Just have a look what the points in this competency are and what you have done to meet them.
At least this is my understanding. If you are not sure, you might like to call the Board and ask them directly. My friend called them on numerous occasions and said that they were incredibly helpful over the phone and gave good advise.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Andrea,
Thanks again! Your threads have helped me to put the whole pic in the perspective. I did call up NZ board to find out whether I will be eligible to apply for NZ registration if I have a UK registration but they said that I should have work exp in the UK too.. I am looking to do a course in NZ and then apply for registration. Can you suggest to me some course in AUT which might help? I saw that they have a PG dip in Rehab for 60 points, is it a good one? Any idea what will be the duration of the course?
The board also mentioned that since I have graduated 10yrs back I can show competencies in different areas thro' my work exp, CME courses and cross reference them with my co-workers or supervisors. I don't have to submit my curriculum.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi pncool,
are you talking courses or papers?
If you go through AUT, you are basically enrolling for a university paper.
First of all you need to obtain postgraduate registration:
The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Postgraduate Registration for Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists
The Pg Dip HSc Rehab is 120 points: you need to do three of the 20 pts. papers of the Pg Cert in HSc Rehab programme and one other 60 pts. paper. See here:
Rehabilitation - AUT University
I believe, if studying full time, you might be able to do 4 papers in a year. But the cost is astrological.
Fees for international students - AUT University
You also need to do an IELTS and have you checked the visa/ permit situation?
Or do you just want to do a course?
Then check out the NZSP site. I have no idea whether you need registration or anything else for that.
National Calendar : NZ Society of Physiotherapists
Hope this helps,
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi Fyzzio,
Thanks for the links.. Here is what the NZ physio registration website says for eligibility criteria for Physios qualified in India.
1. Evidence of successful completion of a formal course of university level physiotherapy study in addition to their physiotherapy qualification(s) gained in India. This formal study must be completed during the three years immediately prior to submitting an application for registration in New Zealand. The formal study could include Certificates of Proficiency, a Graduate Certificate, a Graduate Diploma, a Post Graduate Diploma or a Masters. This formal course of study must be completed in New Zealand, Australia, Canada or the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland),
So I am looking to do a short-term course. I believe the link for the courses which you had sent are weekend courses? My questions on the above- 1) Are certificate of proficiency same as a CME course? 2) Where can I do a graduate certificate/ graduate diploma course? 3) The post graduate diploma or a Masters is a UNI course right?
Thanks again for your inputs.
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi PNcool
My understanding is:
*that a certificate of proficiency refers to the completion of a university paper as part of a larger degree or diploma but you can get this when you don't go on to complete the whole qualification - I think this is at they University's discretion so you would need to check that the University will agree to certify you. It is an opt out clause so then if you get the certificate of proficiency you may not be able to go on and add this to a qualification at a later date. Note the board is saying certificates (plural) of proficiency so the question may be how many do you need to complete in a physiotherapy qualification in order to meet the boards requirements.
*Formal study implies university education so no, short courses don't count.
Hope I have this right and I hope this helps
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi gcoe,
Thanks! I will check with the UNI to find out more about this.. From your reply I understand this is similar to a Non-degree course for some credits ( points) which you could take anytime and those credits can be added to a full degree course if you wish to do so later. Any idea if such a course can be joined in the middle of the year? I know that UNI semester starts from 1st March but I believe that the papers are distributed over a period of one year in 4 semesters?
Re: New Zealand Registration in 8 weeks
Hi pncool
Not quite sure what you are saying in the first half of your message - just check you understand my response as it sounds a bit contradictory. And if I were you I would be very clear with the board about what they will and won't accept as you sound like you are going for the absolute minimum you can get away with.
As for courses both Otago Uni and AUT offer courses in semesters and so therefore you can usually enrol half way through the year for the second semester. Just check on their websites for courses that may interest you. You would enrol in a Post grad cert, post grad dip or Masters so would have to apply formally for the course - includes evidence of your previous degree amongst other things they require for an overseas students. So this will involve a bit of work. You would then take if form there:
School of Physiotherapy
School of Physiotherapy