in the process of selling my physiotherapy office situated in Greece at the moment and have equipement for sale.
curapuls 670 (enraf nonius)
sonopuls 492 (enraf nonius)
vacotron (enraf nonius)
cefar physio4
metron advanced laser (2 goggles, 1 led probe + 19 led probe)
CEFAR Primo (x 3)
BioStim Interferential (x3)
Vectorsonic (Metron) - (electro+ultrasound combo)
ParaTherapy- Paraffin Treatment Unit (Whitehall)
NuroMed - Electro Arthritis Unit
NuroMed- Multistimulator Unit
NuroMed- Trophic Facial Stimulator
Thermalator (Whitehall)
PULSEPRESS Solo Pro with multiple garments
1 foldaway plinth (little bigger then briefcase!)
G 5 Massage Unit
EMG Retrainer + (IR)
3 white plinths with step stools
massage cushions multiple shapes and sizes!
Backlife (CPM for low back pain)
Gym Equipment - includes, bike, treadmill, weights, bench, wooden staircase and parallel bars for gait re education and much more
Hand therapy - everything u might need for hand / finger rehab
spine model with all nerve branches, discs
shoulder model with ligaments
knee model with ligaments
eco postural device (for treatment in sitting)
***all equipment in perfect mint condition 1-2 years old with all documentation!***
if you should need any further information please call, or send an email.
Thank you,
tel: 0030 694 885 8852
email :