Had patella tendonitis in right knee april 2008 and got to the point where I could not walk on leg or support own weight. Six months rehab saw me return to training and then back into competition in febuary 2009.
April 2009 presentation of new pain at base of patella on right knee seemed to be patella tenonitis again but this time at pole of the patellar. Previous problem had been on tibial tuberosity. Examined found knee manip did not cause pain but pressure on that point caused acute pain. After a few weeks of treatment there was no affect. No bursitus, fat pad fine, so examined to find plica. (diagnosed as a plica)
Athlete resumed training having done no impact work for three months. Two weeks ago got similar pain to that experienced in 2008 in left knee. Tuberosity tender to touch. Discomfort when walking down hill. Knee manip was diagnosed as mild patellar tendonitis.
My physio is excellent (stuart Barton) Scottish rugby union and barbars, but I am worried (maybe paranoid) about training on the knee. I was told to carry on with training stopping when knee hurts. Plenty of ice after training and maybe patella strapping.
1. Had steroid injections into plica in right knee last thursday so done nothing since then but rest.
2. The left knee does not hurt during training but 24hrs afterward becomes tender so scared to push it unless i go to far. (would mean end of career if another six months out).
3.X ray andMRI's show very little. Cartilage fine for my age ligaments fine.
Any reccomendations or help would be really appreciated.
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