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Thread: Prox tib fib #

  1. #1
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    Prox tib fib #

    Hi there,
    I have a young rugby academy chap who was playing rugby 2/52 and was tackled whilst scoring a try. As a result of the tackle my patient sustained a prox tib-fib # which was pinned the next day. The patient now has a soft pop, and is using crutches, NWB.
    I have been asked to see him for a few weeks post op prior to him going back to the rugby academy where he will recieve intense physio.
    My question was, what if any rehab could I give this young chap? I have advised him to wriggle toes etc, but not sure if there is anything else I can really advise at present. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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    Re: Prox tib fib #

    Hi Fraoch

    I wouldn't be too concerned about treating the ankle/knee - not much options there at present eh!

    However you could consider what to do to maintain/increase aerobic fitness and muscle strength elsewhere. I take it he is in Plaster POP so you can't put him in the pool. that is a pity because the pool opens up options. If it is fibreglass or other type of splinting you can often get away with the pool.

    What about setting up a circuit training involving working the other leg (if you have a reclining ergometer and fasten his foot to the pedal while keeping the , working the arms (upper arm ergometer if you have it) or light weights - hi reps

    You could use Progressive resistance training equipment for strengthening - just have to choose exs that don't include the affected leg in any way. You should be going for high intensity (low reps) here.

    don't forget to include hip exs for the affected leg.

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