Has anyone come across any good research reguarding core stability and sport (injury prevention or rehabn)?.
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Has anyone come across any good research reguarding core stability and sport (injury prevention or rehabn)?.
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No - either that's an indication of what has been published or my searching methods.
Unfortunately I couldn't quote you a source but there was a good article recently that showed if a person could complete a prone hold (between elbows and feet) for two minutes or prone hold with 50 leg lifts, they had a significantly reduced potential for back injury. Hope that helps.
My question is what do you mean by core stability
If you mean the supposed core muscles of the abdominal and back, I would disagree that these are the core. I find that the adductor longus(left) and psoas (right) are larger factors in back injjury and pain than the supposed "core" These trigger responses in the QL of the left and the Serratus pos inf of the right. This causes lateral deviation for the spine to the left as these try to anchor the psoas.
Hope this is helpful.
Best regards,