A patient suffers from right mid to low lumbar pain with radiation around the right iliac creat to reach the outer groin and upper thigh. He was hit in the low back and symptoms developed which worsened while working overhead and walking rapidly. Sitting and side lying eased the pain.
Extensions and right side flesion are limited to about 25% and both produce mid to low lubar ain with a spasm end feel. Flesion, rotations and left side flexion were mildly painful at end of range with normal end feel.
Compression was negative but the genreal torsion test reproduced lumbar pain and spasm when tested into the right rotatopm. PA pressure over L3 and L4 are locally painful nad produce some spasm.
SI primary stress tests are negatibe, but the right Stork Test and right standing flexion tets are positive.
Can anyone help me with the diagnosis please?
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