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  1. #1
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    ACL New post operation problems


    I had an ACL reconstruction 2 years ago. I had done the rehab and was playing my beloved Soccer again, sometimes twice a week for about a year. However, lately it feels that in certain twisting orientaions it feels as if something has moved (there is sometimes a click) and it is followed by pain and swelling. I played football and it happened very badly and it swelled up for about a week.

    I took it as a need to slow down so I stopped and everything settled, but sometimes when I am coming down stairs I feel it happen again (to a lesser extent). Something about the orientation of my knee when coming down the stairs. I t only happen then!! I am now worried about playing again as if this was to happen when I am twisting my knee at full pace, I could have a repeat of the the major swelling.

    I don't feel it could be as bad as another ACL rupture as I would have been in alot more pain, but could my knee be a little more lose?

    what can I dop short of another operation to tighten eveything up again as I would be mortified if this was the end! Maybe a knee bace?

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    Re: ACL New post operation problems

    Hmm... very difficult to tell, as it is not possible to feel if anything is loose/awry in there, but these other signs may indicate that something on the inside may not be 100%. Best to get it checked out, as I am unsure what the exact procedure is that you have undergone, but it is unlikely to be a full rupture, and if anything will just need some short term rehab on it if fixed early.

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    Re: ACL New post operation problems

    Need a knee assessment again to assess each of the knee stabilising structures - MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL, menisci. In the meantime - RICE for when it swells to control swelling. Certainly sounds like the knee currently has stability probs if you feel like its not holding you, particularly in twisting motions.

    Prob need a course of rehab again to retrain knee control and stability mechanisms.

    If your current swelling is minor and is time delayed (ie, it is usually a day later after activity) - chances are its not involving the ACL (althou reco-ed ACLs may present differently) but cant tell over a cyber-consult!!

    Good luck.

    PS: Yes a knee brace may help at present moment to regain stability but is not a long-term solution as your muscles wont relearn to control your knee.

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