I know the portfolio is a HUGE task and so I thought I would answer questions people had. I got my reg first time in just 4 weeks...so fire any questions at me!
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I know the portfolio is a HUGE task and so I thought I would answer questions people had. I got my reg first time in just 4 weeks...so fire any questions at me!
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Hi Charlotte,
I had a quick look on their website, as I thought I had read something before.
Here it goes: Look at the Self-Evaluation Tool and click on criteria:
The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand > Registration - Overseas Qualified Physiotherapists
I have completed;
2. A physiotherapy qualification from a three year undergraduate degree programme as my primary physiotherapy qualification and have:
A minimum of one year full time post qualification physiotherapy practice experience as a fully registered (i.e. with unconditional registration) physiotherapist in my country/countries of practice,
I am able to provide evidence of successful completion of a formal course of university level physiotherapy study additional to my primary physiotherapy qualification, i.e. Certificates of Proficiency, a Graduate Certificate, a Graduate Diploma, a Post Graduate Diploma or a Masters during the three years immediately prior to submitting my application for registration.
So, as you have not worked as a Physio one year full time, you will not meet entry criteria.
As far as I understand, this means that they will not accept your application.
Hi guys...lots of great advice and relevant info....now can anyone help me ???
I have 2 years post grad experience rotating through all the core areas (plus i completed a 4 year degree) so i know my experience will not be a problem. I actually have a friend out in NZ at the min that heard the NZ physio board are not even looking at uk/ireland application forms presently due to the increased numbers applying...i was wondering did anyone know how true this is?
I know Carol-Anne got hers last month but i was just wondering if it had changed since? I am off work this week so i can get my application form wrapped up but i dont want to be wasting all this time if its not even going to be considered!!!
Also, my plan would be to work in OZ eventually...whether that be straight away or working in NZ first and then travel to OZ...Can i do either of these? My understanding is that if i become registered with the NZ board and get my certificate i can then apply for a state specific registration in australia? Can anyone confirm that for me or has things changed?
Sorry for all the questions but any help would be great!
Hi Carole-Anne,
I am currently starting my competencies, I have worked as a physio for 6 years so have lots of experience. Just a few questions about how much detail is required:1) do you need to specify uni modules and give evidence for each of the components of competencies eg 1.1, 1.2.... or just list a few things that cover some/most of them? 2) In the post-qualification physiotherapy experience is do in-service trainings and courses come under this box or strong supporting evidence? 3) Did you just bullet point the evidence or do it within written sentances?
Thanks for your help!
Hi All,
having just left NZ after 2-years working in the public sector, I can inform you that indeed there is a shortage of Jobs after new legislation regarding ACC funding for physiotherapy treatments. This has particularly been tough on the private clinics. Where once patients who were eligable for ACC funding could go along to any physiotherapist and get their treatments provided for free, now the ACC has slashed their funding to the private sector of physiotherapists which in turn has meant that they have had to start charging their patients for treatments.
This has had a disastrous consequences for the private sector with many clinics having to close as New Zealanders do not like to pay for their own health care, therfore they have now turned to the public hospitals where they can receive physio treatment for free. With less private clinics (due to lack of punters) to employ new grads etc, and the loss of confidence in working for the private sector more physios are applying for the few physio appointments in the pubic sector (District Health Boards).
So yes jobs are not what they where, and who is to say in the future if they will follow the UK and take physiotherapy off the skill shortage list.
Hi Kathy,
I havent heard that the board arent looking at UK applicants, nothing was mentioned to me. However, you can always phone and ask them directly? Number is on their website I think. My friend is working in NZ at the moment too, and she just got a job a few months ago. Yes it took her a few months but she did get one. There might be a shortage of jobs but there are still some out there. The situation there cant be much worse than here can it?!
I think you are right about the Oz situation, maybe check the oz physio board for clarification.
Hi Sarah P,
For the competencies I didnt try and meet every single point, I just listed all the modules I thought were relevant. I bullet pointed everything to keep it simple. For the course, I put them in my CV and entered that into the post-grad experience and used the certificates/course outline as evidence on some occasions. It depended if I had stronger evidence or not. But I thought that if they were in the post-grad experience then it was still included in my application somewhere.
Hope that helps you guys!
Hi guys,
I am almost done completing my application but I was just wondering how everyone cross referenced their evidence on the templates, did you page number everything or reference by appendix 1, 2, 3 etc? any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Jean,
I cross referenced my evidence like this:
Section 8, p12-15 (all of my section 8 was page numbered from 1 - over 100)
or if it was a reflection:
Section 7, reflection 1, note keeping
or if I used the treaty of waitangi as evidence, it was just cross referenced to section 3.
Hope that helps!
I was wondering if anyone has used reflections printed from the CSP pebblepad and if these are ok for NZ registration?
They are just a template and then my own work but the bottom of the form says "Cannot be reproduced without permission of the CSP"
I wasn't sure if that would be an issue?
Would appreciate any advice!
Hi Sarah,
I just used the templates that the NZ physio board provided. That way I knew they would be ok with the format. Why don't you use the CSP as a guide but write it in the NZ form?
Thank you for replying so quick!!
Was just hoping I could save time rather than copying it all out in to the NZ proforma but I would rather do that then have them send it back !![]()
Thanks again
Hello again,
I'm getting to close to having this finished but just wanted some advice on layout etc!!!
For each of the competencies I have bullet pointed modules from uni in the 1st section and cross referenced them and the same with the supporting evidence. I'm just a bit stuck with how to set out the 2nd bit (post-qualification experience). I know I need to refer to pages in my CV and reference letters but have other people written anything in the box? I put some bullet points but was just repeating stuff from my CV!!?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Just wondering if you applied for a visa first prior to gaining the reg? Do I need to in order to prove I am def coming to NZ??
I am just starting the process for my New Zealand registration. Would it be possible to ask for some help on the CV template. Would anyone who has gained resgistration be able to send me an example of what they have done? I am not sure how much information to put on there.
Also examples of reflection statement and CPD would be fab.
Thanks in advance.
hi all...
I am an Indian Physiotherapist having PR visa for australia...Can anyone guide me to get registered in NZ???How all the competencies got complited?I am having so much of confusion regarding the NZ registration...help me out plz..