My husband and I are investigating emmigrating to New Zealand. I am currently registered there as a non-practising member having gone through the competency process earlier this year. I am a musculoskeletal out-patient physio with over 7 years post graduate experience, and if we were to stay in the UK I would be looking towards a Band 7 post in the NHS, aiming to become a team leader and ESP performing injections, involved in the running of the department including triaging and perhaps going into orthopeadic clinics. What are the possibilities of this in NZ? Are there AHP extended roles? How does private practice differ from the Health Board hospitals? Is it similar to the difference in the UK re. Private/NHS? And can anyone tell me about pay scales? I can't seem to find this onformation on the NZ society website or via a google search. I would really appreciate anybody's advice and suggestions on the above and generally working and living in NZ.

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