Can anyone tell me what are the meanings of and how you can achieve or administor:
Many thanks
- Circulatory exercises.
- Mobility in bed.
- Position sense.
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Can anyone tell me what are the meanings of and how you can achieve or administor:
Many thanks
- Circulatory exercises.
- Mobility in bed.
- Position sense.
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Last edited by physiobob; 06-05-2007 at 08:48 AM.
If I understand you'd like to know the definition of the words above?
Circulatory exercises are exercises used to improve the blood circulation (self-explanatory). For example, foot and ankle (also known as F&A) exercises used to prevent the development of DVT. F&A exercises can be simply pointing your toes up and down (ankle pumps) try and improve circulation in the lower limb. This is essential for patients who might otherwise be immobile, or suffer from prolonged best rest. You could also do isometric contractions of the calf, general mobilising exercises (like bending & straightening the knee). Basically anything which involves a 'pumping' action.
A good one for the upper limb is to 'pump the fist'.
Mobility in bed= bed mobility. You should be able to find exercises from the net/in books.
Position sense is also known as joint proprioception or simply, proprioception. It includes the isolated awareness of static joint position and kinaesthesia (when joint position is dynamic).
A useful site is
Happy hunting