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    ACBT for CF children

    hi everyone,

    I'm trying to some good RCT related to the effectiveness of ACBT. looks like we didn't do too well on the trials. I've found one scaled 5/10 (reasonably high) on pedro however it's in German..I am just wondering if anyone here understands german and could please help me out with the summary of this article? thanks a lot!

    Author/Association: Christara-Papadopoulou A, Varsamis P, Diomou G
    Title: Physiotherapie bei zystischer fibrose: ein empirischer vergleich zweier methoden (Physiotherapy in cystic fibrosis: an empirical comparison of two methods) [German]
    Source: Krankengymnastik 2005 Mar;57(3):536-542

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  2. #2

    Re: ACBT for CF children

    dear digiloopz,
    If you could send me the link, I can see what i can do for you. I must say I find it interesting too.
    kind regards
    esther de ru
    email estherderu@gmail.com

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