Have a look over basic scheme of vertigo exercises or exercises for vestibular disorders. Please, add your suggestions and ideas regarding that.
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Have a look over basic scheme of vertigo exercises or exercises for vestibular disorders. Please, add your suggestions and ideas regarding that.
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thank you for the exercises very nice but it may not works with all the patients with vertigo dependent on the cause and site of lesion if its central (brain) or peripheral.
hai sdkasif
your thread was very informative but i ve'nt come across any vertigo patients, in that case in future i'll try your advise
thanks a lot sdkashif!
help me lots..i'm going to manage neuro cases soon in coming November, my second clinical training.
These are some suggestions, but as some members had said the diagnosis comes more important, especially the subjective examination, is the most important part in vestibular rehabilitation. That comes another topic that will be discussed for months...
The most proactive physio in Singapore, JB, and some say Batam...;)