I am a final year physiotherapy student wishing to interview physiotherapists about the possible beneficial outcomes of physiotherapists using complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) to treat people with learning disabilities. I wish to discuss with physiotherapists in the south-east of England what CAMs are used, factors affecting successful outcomes, training in the use of CAMs, and referring clients to other CAMs practitioners.

The interviews should last no longer than an hour and take place at a time and place convenient to you. If you are a qualified physiotherapist with the relevant experience and feel able to spare an hour, or would like further details, please reply to this email by briefly listing what CAMs you have used.

Many thanks for your time.

Steven Southwell
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Year 3

University of Brighton
School of Health Professions
49 Darley Road
Eastbourne BN20 7UR
Telephone: 01273 600900

Home contact : 01273 732004 or mobile 07974 7

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