I have read through a few articles on this website and other related sites and am pretty convinced that I have a problem with mySIJ joint / surrounding structures. I experience pain on right PSIS, right groin and occasionally posterior right leg nerve pain particularly when I run and bear weight on my right leg when striding forward. Similarly I experience the same symptoms but worse when I cross country ski - again with my right leg forward in a weight bearing position. If I jump but equally land on two feet there is no problem and if i hop on the affected leg but maintain an upright posture with gluteals activated and trunk extended I do not experience pain. However if I attempt to hop forward on the right leg or any other direction other than directly up / down I experience the same pain. This is replicated if I attempt a lunge position with the right leg forward.
From this evidence it seems that when the right SIJ is in a position of torsion and anteriorly tilted it is not supported correctly and perhaps hypermobile. I have undertaken typical SIJ tests such as the Gaelsens and Fabers test(s) which prove positive findings on my right side - ie pain on psis, medial buttock area and right groin. However I have not found anyone who can properly diagnose my concerns and give me the correct set of exercises. I feel I need to strengthen the area and perhaps do this by mimicking the position I experience pain - ie when the right leg is bearing weight and slightly abducted from the left (in stride position). There are many differential diagnoses for this type of pain but with the information I have recieved I believe it the SIJ is involved and is the main cause of pain. Please can someone suggest something I am bored of swimming and want to get back to running.
Many thanks Ben
(Help me fellow physios)
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