For what exactly? Depending on the condition/type of patient you are working with you will find that there are many different ways to answer this question.
Can anyone explain and give me a list of red and yellow flags?thanks
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For what exactly? Depending on the condition/type of patient you are working with you will find that there are many different ways to answer this question.
Im not looking for anything specific really. Just wanted a general outline to what they are. thanks for the reply
It's very easy to find out by using Google and typing in "red flags"+"yellow flags". In two minutes I found information on an Australian website and I'll insert it for you:
Red and Yellow flags
When assessing patients who report pain, it is important to identify all risk factors so that appropriate referrals to specialists can be made. Risk factors can be divided into two groups Red flags and Yellow flags
Red Flags are the physical risk factors associated with pain and should lead to further medical intervention, even when tests come back normal.
Yellow flags are the psycho-social risk factors that may be barriers to recovery. They should lead to appropriate cognitive and/or behavioural interventions.
There is a mound of information at the fingertips of you physio students nowadays that I would have loved to have 30 plus years ago! For more stuff to back up the short quote I've given in reference to back pain assessments have a go online yourself, then it'll be clearer how to explain red and yellow flags in the clinical situation.
Regards. Ancient Physio