We have just commenced using a dog to assist with the treatment of some of our children requiring rehabilitation.
Is anyone else using animals to assist programmes?
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We have just commenced using a dog to assist with the treatment of some of our children requiring rehabilitation.
Is anyone else using animals to assist programmes?
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My ex flatmate setup a rehab program in Miami using animals. It was for psych patients though and they had to close it down due to a number of the patients harming the animals. But on the whole she says it was a success. I have seen a few documentaries with dolphins being used in developmental disability. We used to allow longterm pets in a slow stream rehab unit, yes cats and dogs. It was great for moral.
Who is Therapy Dogs, Inc?
It is a goal of Therapy Dogs Inc. to help dog owners use their dogs for therapy work in various places such as nursing homes, hospitals and schools, as well as work with the mentally and physically handicapped. Our objective is to form a network of caring individuals who are willing to share their special animals in order to bring happiness and cheer to people who need something to hold and love. Pet visits often trigger memories of animals they use to own. The regular visits also give nursing home residents something to look forward to. Dogs have been effective in reaching people and children who have withdrawn from the world. All dogs, purebred and mixed breeds are welcome.
i have 3 dogs all herapets! we are members of canine scotland . the englis equivelent is pro dogs. we have been visiting care of the elderly unit in hospital now for about 15 years. we have also appeared on television on reporting scotland the patients love the dogs and respond to them but not to people. I take them 2 at a time.The patients enjoy it but so do the dogs!!!!!