Hi, just wanted to ask what you do about this (commonly) problem:
Patient; 25y male, always been healthy, paraglider accident 1y ago (with several compression fractures - T12-L1-L2 and a burst fracture L4, posterior interbody fusion L3-L5). He is now almost pain-free (except from coccygus pain).
Pain during day due to the back-related stuff is now almost gone.
BUT: He is facing a tension-related headache in the morning - saying he feels "stiff" in the neck - only the first 30 minutes after he wakes up. He somedays has problems falling a sleep (even at late nights), and he has some nightmares right after falling a sleep. He has changed pillow several times - no difference. He is biting teeth (?) sometimes at night too.
It seems to me that night-tension is a fairly common thing, do you treat this? How?
It seems like it has a psychogen factor - should he be adviced to somebody with more knowledge?
Any tips or ideas?
Best regards,
Øystein, Norway.
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