Let’s say the patient is unable to reach for an object. He can’t flex at the shoulder and extend at the elbow appropriately. I would be thinking that this may be most likely due to weakness of the scapular upward rotators, shoulder flexors and triceps. Possibly there could be a dexterity problem so I would be looking for smoothness of movement and interjoint coordination as well. I wouldn’t be that concerned about increased tone in the acute setting although the patient may be developing contracture and the shoulder extensors/scapular retractors or elbow flexors, particularly if not undergoing preventive positioning. Anyhow if I wanted to test for tone I would therefore logically test the resistance to movement of the scapular downward rotators, shoulder extensors and internal rotators and elbow flexors. The order of testing is not important as long as I have tested the key muscles that are antagonistic to the functional movement I am assessing. In another functional task the testing I would do would be related to that task so different muscles.