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    divarication rectus

    I have a 42 year old male with a 10cm divarication rectus following surgery. I have been unable to find any recent research on rehabilitation of this. Our womens health physios have given me 2 articles which suggest rehabilitation by working transverse abdominus. However I can see no reasoning behind this, considering it's attachment and alignment relative to the linea alba. Does anyone have any information, or views on how this problem is best addressed. For the time being I am going to start with low grade abdominal work and hydrotherapy for gentle abdominal and trunk stability work.

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  2. #2

    re: divarication rectus

    does this translate to a 10cm gap between the right and left sides of the rectus, ie a separation of the linea alba region in a pregnant lady? Please excuse my lack of looking up the term. If so I would suggest re-entering the operating theatre for a repair and closure.

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