Hi there,

6 months ago, I got hit by a car, by drunk driver and sustained a brain injury and my femur, tibia and fibula were broken. The doctors put some external construction on my leg, so that the bone wouldnt shrink. That has caused, that on quadriceps muscle, there was a bit of calcium that started growing into my muscle and as a result, I couldnt bend my knee very much. I started with 20 degrees or something but now I can bend my knee to 135 degrees. I cant squat but Im not far from that.

What helped me heaps was ultrasound on my quad. But now I came back to my country and was told that the ultrasound was breaking up hard tissue only, but not bone and they said that most likely, the ultrasound will probably not help me any more.

I know that there is a way how to solve the ossification, to basically cut off that tiny piece of bone that is stopping me from bending the knee to the maximum level.

However I have gone through so much after the accident that I would like to avoid operations if possible and would wanna treat that ossification with some medication, if something like that would work at all.

I was told that my range of knee bend is awesome and the reason is that I have been doing sports my whole life and Im still young, 28 years old. But I would like to continue with sport and do yoga which would involve squatting and I cant do it just yet.

Could you please help me?

Thank you so much,


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