I am just writing this to see if anyone else has had the same problem or knows about it?
I have had a problem with my knee for nearly two years now, which I think was brought on by riding my mountain bike too much. I have had anmri scan and its all clear and been to a physio. He said that I had a problem with my iliotibial band. He said my glutes on one side had become lazy and needed stretching and strengthening. This all sounded great as I had found the problem, but I don't seem to be getting a lot of relief whenever I stepped up my exercise a bit. Two or three times now I have backed right off again, which is no good as I need to keep in shape. Whenever I do any exercise the glute tightens right up and I start to get the dull ache back deep inside my knee.
I guess the question I'm asking is should I push through the dull ache and keep up with the stretching and strengthening? Will it sort itself out? Does it take a while to reset the muscle? The physio seemed to think that it wouldn't damage my knee, but just cause an annoyance if I don't do the exercises.
The exercises I do at the moment are:
Stretching - go on all fours (crawl position) and bring my left leg (problem knee) around in front of the other leg. I then arch the back to pull the glute. This seems to work for me as I am quite limber so other stretches didn't seem to pull the muscle at all. BTW - if I do the exercise the other way I can hardly feel anything so I guess one side is a lot tighter than the other.
Strengthening - lay on my side and bring the left leg up and down. The leg is arched backwards so I can feel it working the glutes.
Any help or advice on this would be great
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