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  1. #1
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    Hi. I am wondering if anyone has some advise on coping in interviews as I have no problem getting them (5 out of 6 applications so far) but once in the room, i go to pieces. It is getting to the point where my confidence is being affected and each interview I go to is worse than the last. I am normally extremely capable, confident with patients and colleagues alike and will be good at my job, having attained mainly 1sts in all my placements andfitting in with the departments and patients well. Where am I going wrong?!

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  2. #2
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    re: Interviews

    If there is anything that can ruin a wonderful CV and great working ability it is the interview. There are usually courses that can help you, and maybe your local Human resources folk can give you trial runs. is it your sheer nervousness that stuffs up your answers even when you know exactly what they are asking you?Look at the selection criteria and write out every conceivable question you feel they might askyou. Can you arrange for some colleagues or friends to do a dry run or two - not necessarily on physio topics - anything. Ask them for feedback. Practise. Do not be afraid of silences nor asking the interviewer/s to repeat the question. I once interviewed eight applicants and the outcome for the position depended solely on the interview - their Cvs were all excellent. The successful applicant was the one who made eye contact, thought for a few moments before answering, and concentrated on 'selling herself'.
    Good luck!!!!

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