hey everboody
gd evening
i am PT intern now
and i have complicated case
she is 54 y/o female has LBP and her xray is shown degenerative superior and anterior end plate multiveretebral
c/o pain at lower back referred to (R) L.L ( 9/10 according to VAS) and felt burning and electrical sensation
that cause decrease functional activities , she cann't stand or walk more than 10 min , and she change her position every 30 min.
in observation :
she has hyperlordosis , hypertrophy paraspinal muscles and flat sacrum , it's really strange back
she has also sever tightness in paraspinal lumbar and multifidus and i think quadratus lumborum
AROM: it was little limitation in all directions + EROMP
her muscle strength is : abd. = 2/5
back ext. = 2/5
both L.L= 3/5
now after 6 sessions i used with her manual trigger point technique to relief pain and tightness
and P.U.S on lumbar muscles and cold pack to relief sciatica pain
and p.A superiorfacet joint mobilization
and i did neurodynamic sciatic nerve mobilization but that exacerbate her referred pain and burning sensation so i told her to stop it bacuse the problem centrally not prepherally
and also i did william ex's and core stability ex's and advice her to stay in forward bending position from short sitting to increase space between vertebra and avoid compression on nerve root
now in reassessment her pain become 5/10 and AROM: there is little limitation in extention and (R) lateral flexion and she able to walk and stand up to 30 min
but still her burning and electrical sensation didn't improved
what can i do else for her
thanx everybody
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