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    peripheral nerve distribution vs radicular pain

    Can anyone help me out with the pathophysiological differences between pain felt in a dermatome and pain felt along a peripheral nerve distribution if the nerve injured is in the neck region. Since no nociceptors are involved if pain is caused by nerve compression...what starts off the firing of impulses to the CNS. What is the role of the nervi nervorum? Does ectopic firing take place without the need for nociceptor input? Any help will be much appreciated.

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  2. #2

    re: peripheral nerve distribution vs radicular pain

    Extraneural blood supply can be conpressed leading to interrupted signal firing along the nerve. A peripheral nerver distribution such as the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve will give a more specifc dermatomal region than the dermatomes from the lumbar spinal nerves.

    I suppose nociceptor input is not an on-off phenomenom (?spelling). e.g. phantom limb pain in amputees. Rather is must be a relative input that is interrputed in either direction may cause the brain to perceive pain. Hence disruption along the flow of activity, rather than the receptor itself, would still result in the brain perceiving pain.? any more ideas

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