Hi, I am new to this site and frankly I have no idea if I am even in the right section but after two boring months of being laid up with a left fibular fracture my doctor just said today that I can walk again. I tried walking unaided (no crutches) but soon found out how hard it really is. So now I am walking aided. I am 5'9 and roughly 180 lbs.

I was just wondering if anyone out there has any advice on these questions I have:
1.Any exercises/stretches I can do to help regain strength and mobility in my ankle?
2. Would an ankle support help out while walking?
3. How long should it take?
4. I still have my screw in for another six weeks, is it possible to be able to jog once I am able to walk again?
5. Football season begins in August for my high school club, how different is it going to be? I may have time before the season to practice, should I completely utilize it?
6. Any extra advice?

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