This forum section has been designed to have you post a topical challenging questions. Evidenced based, anecdotal, clinical reasoning, empirical data. Lets have it all and thrash it out. All confrontational learners welcome!
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This forum section has been designed to have you post a topical challenging questions. Evidenced based, anecdotal, clinical reasoning, empirical data. Lets have it all and thrash it out. All confrontational learners welcome!
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This is a bold venture, so I will open up with a controversy that has raged in Australia for the last 12 years. One school of thought supports and teaches passive movements to maintain collagen/elastin/cartialge nutrition generally = despite no EBP. The other school of thought is against passive meovements a) they have no useful function and may damage tissue 2) no evidence of any benefit 3) PTs do them because it cheers up nurses, doctors and family because the physio is doing something, anyway. I do not ever perform passive movements except as mobilisations at joints. Who agrees???
why don't we talk about the political realities here. in some countries physios trained from other countries are treated like they don't know anything about physiotherapy. even though they have post graduation in that country of and showed continued interest in developing a physio who has a crictic brain to make the preofession better?
at i has been advocated to people as protecting from crooks? by legistlation they protect the physios trained from the same country by shuting down the opportunities for any other therapist willin to come and practice in that particular country.