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    Studying masters from which country?

    I have completed my bachelor degree in physiotherapy which is 4 and a half year course. If any one can suggest me from where should I be doing my masters. I was thinking of US. Some of my other options are Canada, New Zealand. Recently I have came to know that UK is also very good for studying physiotherapy. But isn't it true that living there and getting a citizen is very difficult. There is no point of studying somewhere you can't earn or live after your study is over!!!
    I am interested in Sports physio and also Neuro. So I wanted to know the scopes of sports physios. Universities in USA don't have sports in their courses.
    I am very much confused right now. If any one can guide me then it would be a great help.

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    Re: Studying masters from which country?

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    There are an enormous number of places to undertake post graduate study around the world. Your post graduate study should be targeted to what you want to do. Using your degree from Nepal for entry to a course shouldn't be too difficult. In fact many con tries are quite prepared to accept oversees physics for study even when it s difficult to use your degree for entry to practice in that country. The UK, USA, Australia, !New Zealand, Canada and Ireland are all potentially good options for studying. When looking at a course of study consider f you want to become an expert practitoner or if you want also to have an experience in conducting research. A masters in course work will meet the first need but will rule out an academic career or learning the tools of research which can also provid you with an in depth an independent inquiry to study the area of interest. A degree which involves course work and completion of a research thesis is then a good choice.

    If you are interested in sports physic you may also want to consider whether you undertake a sports physic degree one n a related field such as exercise science or biomechanics. The former may be focused on injuries and physic practice while the latter could be broader and could be useful to improve your applied science skills - but if you choose this route make sure you are doing a course that is of an advanced standing.

    In choosing a university it is a good idea to look out for academics who have a highbstanding in the profession, have an excellent research history and can attract research grant money. Also find out what the facilities offer. Best to go to physic school that is well funded an d has great science faclities such as a biomechanics la, applied physiology labs etc.

    Best if luck with your studies.

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