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Hi there,
I hope to get some opinions from fellow physio's around the globe as I have been wondering about the next step in my career. In the end, I know, the decision is mine but I'd like to know why you actually ended up in the field where you are currently working.
I have been a physio for about 7 years now, I was trained in Germany and the Netherlands and have worked in Germany, NZ and Australia. During my career, I had the chance of working in different settings (mostly private practice, but also inpatient rehab, orthopaedics and general hospital work). At the moment, I work in Germany, but plan to return to Australia this year.
The thing is, I am a bit undecided where to settle professionally: Private practice or hospital? In the end, I know, the decision is up to me but I'd love to have your input.
I tried to think of pro's and con's of both settings:
Private practice pro's:
- Interesting clientele (e.g. sports injuries), usually more motivated than "hospital patients"
- Varied caseload (from children to older people, all sorts of musculoskeletal problems)
- Potential for earning a bit more
Private practice con's:
- More stress (frequent 20 minutes consultations, no extra time given for e.g. note writing, letters/calls to doctors etc)
- no/less interdisciplinary exchange, more isolated
- tiring for your hands sometimes (if you do a lot of manual therapy/soft tissue work)
Hospital pro's:
- less stressful, more time allocated for team meetings, inservices, documentation etc.
- working within a multidisciplinary team
Hospital con's:
- you might only work in one area, less variety (unless you work in small rural hospitals where you might be doing mixed work)
- sometimes the work is a bit boring/mundane (depending where you work of course, but often - I'm exagerrating a bit - you just walk people...)
So, my question is: Why do you work where you work? Which aspects of your work do you like? Would you consider a change - and if yes, for which reasons?
I am quite curious to hear your opinions!