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    Lightbulb UK Practitioners Alliance - Stop the Private Medical Groups | Preferred provider networks

    Hi all,

    there isn't a day that goes by when I don't ponder how to take on the likes of BUPA/PPP etc against their controlling influence on our profession. The premise here is that they are seeking to control access to the vast majority of physiotherapists without any basis that benefits the patient. Mostly this is a priced based initiative and one that comes with huge manual and administrative overheads.

    Hence the concept of some form of Alliance.

    Here's what we are in the early stages of proposing.

    1. We form a group whose mission is to provide ALL UK residents with access to treatment by ALL qualified physiotherapists who are deemed fit to practice by the HPC in the UK.

    2. The group will endorse ALL private medical insurers who follow this basic premise and therefore who do not block access to all.

    3. We will provide banners that can be used on third part websites that show a level of support and endorsement of that fact for those medical insurers.

    4. For those companies who DO NOT follow that premise we will provide members of the group banners that clearly display that they DO NOT accept patients from those private medical insurers e.g. BUPA/PPP etc as they do not follow the basic premise of access to ALL for ALL.

    5. We will seek to gain endorsement for the group from MP's Policiticans and importantly the CSP, Physio First and the HPC.

    At this time I would welcome comments, especially from UK registered practitioners. I feel that this approach may be a far better way to have those not endorsed by the group to change their ways.



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    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
    Chartered Physiotherapist & Member of the CSP
    Member of Physio First (Chartered Physio's in Private Practice)
    Member Australian Physiotherapy Association
    Founder Physiobase.com 1996 | PhysioBob.com | This Forum | The PhysioLive Network | Physiosure |
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    My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
    Importantly to help clients to be empowered and seek a proactive & preventative approach to health
    To actively seek to develop a sustainable alternative to the evils of Private Medical Care / Insurance

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