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    Should band 5 physios earn more than band 5 nurses?

    So my girlfriend wants to be a physio in the future and I'm currently a student nurse so we were having this debate earlier tonight. I feel that at band 5 both professions should earn the same (as they do now in the nhs). My girlfriend however feels that physios have a lot more knowledge at qualification than nurses have so I was wondering what other people thought? I've also posted this on a nursing forum to get both points of view as I think it'll be interesting. My girlfriend's point is that physios have to know everything about physiology and drugs etc whereas nurses do not have such detailed knowledge when they qualify and so should earn less. What do other people think?

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    Re: Should band 5 physios earn more than band 5 nurses?

    Physios get better and more detailed teaching in Pharmacology than Nurses???? I don't think so.
    Physios gain more knowledge during their training than Nurses??? That is plain down ridiculous.

    Everyone gets taught what they need to know and in as much detail as is required. Nurses might not need the depth of teaching in Physiology that Physios require (although that is not completely correct either), but on the other side, Physios do not get taught about wound care management e.g..

    Physios and Nurses will therefore cover very different areas in their curriculum. As for OTs and SLTs.

    The pay relates to requirements that need to be fulfilled according to the applicable standard, e.g. "Band 5". The standards only relate to your own profession and the level of skill required for a Physio to work in a Band 5 Physio position is equal to level of skill required for a Nurse wanting to work in a Band 5 Nursing position.

    I am surprised that your friend knows so much about the contents of each curriculum, when she hasn't even studied yet. But, as her statements are wrong, I presume, it was all guess work. And she obviously undervalues Nursing.
    Stay strong.


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    Re: Should band 5 physios earn more than band 5 nurses?

    Half the physios in the nhs just give out exercise sheets and take old ladies for walks anyway. If anything the nurses should get paid more!

  4. #4
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    Re: Should band 5 physios earn more than band 5 nurses?

    First of all, your girl friend has not even started her education as a physiotherapist; so how does she knows physio's know more? Next a band 5 tells what Salary scale you're in thus it cannot be different for a physio or a nurse. Third: a physio does not work (in general, unless highly specialised) with life threatening issues. The world would survive without physio's not without nurses. (e.g. florence nightingale)
    If she really is in the money she ought to choose a different occupation than physiotherapist who even if he works in a private practice still has to work hard for the money. unless he/she chooses to attach every one to a device and hands out a sheet of paper or has many employees he/she pays 30% of the money the employees make (on the contrary if she choses to go on the continent she might up in between 65%-75%) for every patient she sees. The rest goes to the practice. (I might be wrong, some practices might pay more).
    To me, a physiotherapist, I would feel it would be fair to pay people what they are worth: we can do away with bankers, politicians but not with teachers, nurses and doctors, farmers. Which shows actually how unfair payment can be.

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