Hi all Physio Forum members and guests. I would like to highlight a few of the rules of this forum. Please try to follow these as this helps keep this platform open and available to all participants.
Those postings that do not follow the rules will be deleted. Repeat offenders might also find their accounts suspended. Thanks for your co-operation:
- Please do not use any abbreviations in the Titles of your posts
- Please do not use abbreviations unless earlier identified within the body of your postings.
- Please try to make your postings as complete as possible. This means give everyone an outline of the current situation you are faced with, outline why not only what information you are looking for. Let us know what you know already.
- Please try to be specific with a question. No one will answer a posting whose response could be written into a text book. The narrower and more specific the question and the more information you provide, the better the chance of an appropriate response.
- Although this forum is open to people whose first language is not English, please try your best to spell words in English. There is a spell check that does assist so please use it.
- Please keep postings to the topic and refrain from making personal attacks against other members.
Many thanks for your compliance with these simple requests.
- Importantly this forum is not designed to have students post their essay topics and dissertation topics. Postings that are clearly looking for an easy way out instead of using other options such as search engines and text books will be removed. You will find that no one will answer these types of questions anyway.
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