Recently I found there are quite a number of Canadian candidiates trying to get into Australian/NZ physio schools (and some of them have already got in) because the admission to Canadian schools is too competitive and they are all graduate - entry programmes.
To be honest why don't you consider physio programmes in UK? UK Physio programmes explosed in 1990s' due to the shortage of physios in that era, and consequently UK physios quickly oversupplied and now NHS has already on the way to close reluctant programmes because the inadequte number of intake in some regions. Because of this UK programmes have a much lower bar for admission. On the other hand the number of physio programmes in NZ remain unchanged since 1960's and though there is a considerable increase of Australian programmes, the competition of admission is still quite in heat because many students take physio degree as the preparation qualification for medicine.
Moreover, studying physio in UK will be cheaper than in Australisian: most physio programmes in UK attached to polytech origined, low-ranking universities; while in AU/NZ many programme attached to world-class universities e.g. Syndey, Melboure and Otago, and the later universities of course demand much higher fees just because of their repuation and popularity. Besides, undergraduate entry-leve physiotherapy programmes in UK usually are 3-years BSc(Hon), while in AU/NZ if the programme still haven't switched to graduate-entry then it will take 4-5 years to achieve just a non-Honour, ordinary bachelor.
Furthermore, UK is close to Canada/North America and Europe as well, it means that it is cheaper to go home (if you are a canadian/American) or travel around the fasinating Europe than studying in Australisian. And also it is much more easier to gain other EU counties registrations if you have UK registration, due to the EU concorda.
So if you don't worried about skilled immigration/feel ok to return to home country to practice, don't you think UK will be a much better, practical and reasonable option and AU/NZ? Keen to know your comments.
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