Hi second year physio student,

Had a dull ache type pain 5/10 probably around an inch inferior of the greater tuberosity and right in the middle of the lateral aspect of the shoulder. Pain comes on when performing any overhead pressing movements. Present for about 4 months and was wondering if anyone knew what it could be.
* Hawkins test is positive although only brings on onset of pain not full reproduction.
* Speeds test also brings on reproduction of pain but at the site of normal pain not in the bicipital groove.
* No recruitment of lower trapezius in lying. Able to recruit right side easily. Able to recruit lower trapezius in sitting.
* Very Very slight pain on painful arc test from 90 to 120
* Weakness on left side compared to right in all shoulder movements
* Protracted posture in sitting

* Jobes test and infraspinatus test are negative. Some slight pseudo winging of the scapula. No medial border winging
* Good Serratus anterior control and negative test.
* Full ROM in all movements

As a weight lifter really annoying! Can't afford physio as a student and lectures won't treat me!

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