ive been interested in physiotherapy for quite a long time now, and after completing my year 11 exams my next big step is to decide what subjects to take in lower 6th form.
i have decided to take:
Food Technology
Which after 1 year i shall "drop" Economics to develop the other subjects into a full A level.
I now have about 12 weeks in which my primary focus is gaining experience and knowledge in physiotherapy.
As i am only 16, i have nothing on my CV so far which may appeal to phsyiotherapists which may look twice at my letter, which i am still puzzling over what to include.
I am in need of advice what to include in my letter to possible business's concerning shadowing.
One place i would enjoy shadowing is my local football club, which isnt too far, and its at conference level with great facilities.
If there is any advice, no matter how small, you could give to me i would be extremely greatful and it would settle my mind and hopefully increase the risk of doing some much needed experience.
Is there much more i can do, apart from work experience which may appeal to Universitys so that i can get onto the course i need?
Chris - thanks in advance
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