Hi there I am a 42 year old hairdresser who gave up smoking nearly 3 years ago and decided to take up sports and going to the gym and tennis, I eat healthy and thought I was doing well. I started getting really still sore legs about 3 years ago and put it down to going to the gym too much as I was exercising even when my legs were sore. Last August I was at a show with my mum and I felt my legs were even stiffer than usual when I went to get up of the seat my legs and buttocks were completely numb and I had a pins and needles all down the backs of my legs and I was having problems walking. I've had a back x-ray and a back mri scan done and nothing showed

Since then I have only been able to stand for short periods of time. When I'm of my feet I feel as though I have to keep moving my legs to get comfortable and I feel as though someone is pulling at the inside of my legs, but here is not as much pain as there is when I am on my feet. I have been for many acupuncture sessions which help a little I have had sports therapy massage and Swedish massage also I tried dry needling, but they only work for a short time and sometimes doesn't make any difference I don't even know if this is the correct line of treatment. In my job I have to be on my feet so really need to get back to work

Have you any ideas on what has caused this to happen and the correct treatment or if it will get any better.


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