
I have already posted this query on whirlpool. I'll copy and paste it here:

After much self-deliberation, I've decided whirlpool is where to go. The situation is, I studied Occupational Therapy as a mature aged student and graduated in 2012. Throughout the degree I found I loved the Anatomy and Physiology and Psychology components but, any Occupational Therapy components, I disliked. I landed my first job after graduating and still felt a disliking to it. This was very much due to it's vagueness and fluffy approach to therapy. Its not in line with my interests. I originally wanted to become a physiotherapist, but couldn't transfer. As I work along side physiotherapy, I was attracted to the majority of their work being specialised on the body and its mechanisms (at least more than OT). Occupational therapy spreads far too broadly for my liking. Everything down to Physio's documentation to their patient interaction (theme of practice) captivated me more than my role.
I left Occupational therapy after a very short time post-graduating and haven't returned since. I don't intend to. But, I am seriously considering returning to do a Physio grad entry course (2-3 years). But, am rather nervous about such a commitment, as I know that OT and PT work very close to one another and some consider there is much over lap in services. 2-3 years is a large commitment only find myself in a similar position 3 years into the future.
Any health practitioners who have either been in a similar situation or are in a position to offer insight into my situation are welcome.
Thank you."

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