Hi everyone!
(I do not want to do unnecessary advertisement)
Long story short, I have applied for a job at a specific company for several times and now they have given me an opportunity, BUT it contains a challenge.
The reason I have kept on applying for a job at this company, is that I really like the way they run their business. It is honest, focuses on happy customers and keeps it's integrity, that is why I do not want to do any unnecessary advertisement.
Well the challenge is to get at least 4 subscribers in 4 weeks, and I have a 60-day trial to offer interested healthcare practitioners.
In order to find healthcare practitioners looking for changing or just getting a practise management software, I need to know where to reach these people and I thought the best people to ask are you guys.
I hope some of you will answer my following questions, so I can get a little wiser:
1. What is your current job-position and do you have influence on what practise management software you use?
2. Which media (websites, blogs, social medias, newspapers, other place etc.) do you use/read often?
3. What are the most important factors in a practise management software? (Price, customer support, accessibility form devices, online booking)
4. Do you know someone who are dissatisfied with their existing solution, might be interested in changing or getting their first practise management software?
If you think you know someone, who might be interested in a practise management software, you are more than welcome to send me a PM.
Thanks for your time!
Kind regards, Casper.
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