I should say I was in a similar situation some time back. The only advantage I had over you was that I had a year worth of proper physiotherapy experience abroad and that i was persuing my masters. It was really difficult to get into the system but then what my friends and myself did was to apply as Phyiso assistants, apply for unpaid physio services in nhs trust and privately. It helped quite a bit to apply as assistants. (They mostly absorb you as a physiotherapist as soon as they can) in the mean time keep applying in local clubs and in university to act as a TA.
Keep skils alive by reading and discussion with friends, internet groups.
To apply as a fitness instructur is not a bad idea, if you have the money do it. Apply in other countries as well and there is a system as a live in physio and carer for some patients the pay is good in such cases.
Dont loose hope . Apply far and wide all over UK. I used to spend majority of my time applying and atlast all that paid off and belive me you will land a job. In them mean time go to some NHS trust esp in remote towns or villages and apply as a voluntary physiotherapist. they will run a CRB on u and then keep you. that will count as physio experience. Also apply for research post so u can get a full scholarship to dop ur masters if you have decent grades in the physio school you might get that.
these are all your options. you might need to conisider other countries as a last resort. there are agents with whome you can register for free and take the registration only if you get the job so u dont have to spend any extra money too.

I hope this helps buddy . All the best.