Hi all. I graduated in 2011 with a first class hons degree in a totally unrelated subject, and having worked in that industry since, my thoughts (and regrets!) keep returning to physiotherapy. At A Level I did biology, PE and English, so always had physio in mind, but for some reason it didn't turn out that way. Anyway, I can't keep having my thoughts returning to physio without doing something about it, but the prospect of a second degree seems fairly impossible. I know NHS funding is available for course fees - if this is even still the case! But what about living/travel expenses? Books? Probably needing to do some sort of access course first etc? Has anyone here done physio as a second degree? Curious to learn how you managed financially, as well as generally with life etc. Even things you may not have previously considered such as having to put off starting a family for another three years at least. Any pointers greatly received thank you!

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