Hi Forum, my first post!I was recently diagnosed with Supraspinatus and Subscapularis tendonisis and Long Bicep Head tendonisis with mild tendonisivity (All on my LEFT ARM).When I was about 11, I also broke my LEFT ARM from the elbow to the wrist, both bones were broken and I wore a cast for a month!I'm 26 now and heavily into sports. I have been practicing boxing for over 7 years now (on and off) (a mixture of kick-boxing, muay thai and normal boxing). I'm an orthodox fighter, which means my LEFT arm is my jab arm.... My personal diagnosis, through repetitive movements of throwing a jab (a protruding movement), I lack the muscles surrounding the rotator cuff for a retractive motion, and thus after each session I don't feel pain... but stiffness!!!There is not stinging pain, but theres a constant need to rotate my shoulder blades backwards in an up-back-down movement to "put them back into their sockets". This temporarily alleviates the stiffness.I also used to do dragonboat on the left side of the boat.I practice yoga 4 times a week, but in some stretches I feel like it aggravates the inflammation.Would you have any tips or exercises to reduce inflammation and increase mobility on my left shoulder?In addition, I feel that my left rib-cage muscle has a weak connective tissue to one of my abs on the left side. There is one ab that is protruding from my core. It's hard to explain.Here is a picture of an exaggerated position to showcase how my left shoulder is hovering the rotator cuff imgur: the simple 404 page could not attach the image.Please, I seek your guidance and knowledge.Cheers,Fred
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