Hi people,
I am going to raise a point and many will criticize me probably saying I should know better but for evidence base practice sake, I will raise.
Here is a good topic for the research physio who is more qualitative than quantitative, First of all in recent times, the whole idea of evidence based practice has overwhelmed the profession. everything seems to be constantly researched and critically thought through and I know that is good, for one it makes certain that what we do is right, that we are able to do it in a lesser time and we are alot more sure of anything we do. My question is in the foreseeable future, when most things have been researched and majority of practices have answers to back them up, what happens to the clinical reasoning power of a fantastic physio?Arguably, clinical reasoning involves looking at the evidence however clinical reasoning involves foreward, backward and lateral thinking. forward thinking is in my own opinion aided by what we know, backward and lateral thinking mainly is about what we do not know and try to find answers for. intererstingly backward and lateral thinking is what makes the job exciting. if there are answers to most questions will we stop thinking?have we stopped thinking now? I read a few threads with some physios in the musculoskeletal and orthopedic scene trying some lateral thinking only they were thinking alongside things that have already been thought through.
With each epoch in the physio realm, more concepts will be question, new inventions will be made and the need for more research so one can say the process is not likely to end,but what is the situation now among physios who use evidence and those who do not? who thinks more? who is forced to reason out things more?
A qualitiative research or a survey may help answer this question. Semi structured interview or maybe a questionnaire will do the trick. I reckon a semi structured interview process with some rigorous grounded theory based discourse and content analysis will help us know what impact having the evidence is putting on physios ability to reason and critically look at issues.Do they just wait for the evidence and use it thoroughly without necessarily questioning it once if it is conclusive and unanimous?are they still able to look at conditions and treatment from a practical view anymore? we are thrown in an evidence based practice scene now but no one seems to know or is concerned what effects having too much evidence may be doing to physios generally. I know that with guidelines and the likes, most things can become routine. what is the long term effect of thinking like that?ummmmm....
let me know ur views guys and if anyone is interested in carrying out a study like that..holla at me
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