I'd really, really appreciate any advice on this. Still in pain 8 weeks later & am feeling panicky!

I was assaulted 8 weeks ago and, in addition to a broken elbow, in the words of my physio, my "lumbar movement is restricted into flexion and pelvis has asymmetry in both standing and with movement. Nevro was fine. The lumber spine was very tender over L5 and there was swelling at the base of the spine. I suspect she has a disc protrusion, possibly at L5/51, which is pressing on the dural sheath."

I've been referred to a spinal surgeon and hopefully an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI, but am frantic about recovery time. I've booked to go backpacking to New Zealand in a month's time, and then I'm starting a new job. Should I cancel the trip? Am I going to be able to do my new (&probably stressful) job with long hours??

If anyone has any idea re recovery time I'd really appreciate it.

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